Palermo started to work on the creation of a Social Lab! Municipality, schools and third sector together to promote social inclusion at school


The first meeting for the creation of a Social Lab in Palermo was held at CESIE. The Social Lab will bring together local authorities, schools and the third sector to identify problems related to social inclusion in schools and to find, through an innovative methodology, concrete solutions.
The first of the six meetings of the Social Lab aimed at identifying the challenges to be faced for a more inclusive school. Through round table, brainstorming and critical analysis, it was decided to focus the experimentation on the role of parents, guardians and families, and to work on their involvement in school life, in order to prevent early school leaving and improve the orientation of young people.

The SOCI@LL project aims at promoting positive changes in the school field, promoting social inclusion and multicultural learning through a participatory approach that ensures the full involvement of the final beneficiaries, mainly students, but also teachers and local authorities.

The next Social Lab meeting will focus on the Step 2: identification and involvement of stakeholders and key actors who could contribute to solve the identified challenges.

In order to guarantee an open and inclusive school it is necessary to cooperate! Thus, CESIE is always looking for participants from the fields of school, local administration, social services or civil society in general to experience the Social Lab in Palermo.

Do you think you are the right candidate? Send an e-mail with a short presentation to Francesca Barbino –