Toolkit for school leaders on how to create and sustain culturally-sensitive and inclusive systems inside and around schools
A toolkit for school leaders that will support the creation and sustainability of culturally-sensitive and inclusive systems inside and around schools: comprised by guidelines (corresponding to strategies, tools and methods that school leaders can put into practice to promote inclusive and democratic learning environments inside schools); programme of activities (that translated into a “SOCI@LL week”, reflects the commitment of the school and whole learning community with inclusive and democratic schools) and edutainment resources (that support the set of activities to be implemented during the “Week”), this toolkit will be tested by end-users and fine-tuned to ensure optimised alignment with the stakeholders needs and expectations.
- Training programme of the course “Strategies, tools and methods for fostering inclusive systems inside and around schools”: available in EN
- Guidelines for Inclusive Schools to promote inclusive and democratic learning environments in schools: available in EN, GR, IT, PL and PT
- Manual with a step-by-step methodology and activities for the organisation of a SOCI@LL week: available in EN, GR, IT, PL and PT
- SOCI@LL week support resources for the implementation of the SOCI@LL week: available in EN, GR, IT, PL and PT
- Full report on the implementation Guidelines for Inclusive Schools: available in EN
- Briefing on the implementation of the Guidelines for Inclusive Schools: available in EN, GR, IT, PL and PT