• Toolkit for teachers on how to drive curricular and pedagogical innovation and foster multicultural learning in and out classrooms
  • Toolkit for teachers on how to drive curricular and pedagogical innovation and foster multicultural learning in and out classrooms

Toolkit for teachers on how to drive curricular and pedagogical innovation and foster multicultural learning in and out classrooms

A toolkit for teachers that will support these key agents to drive and put into practice curricular and pedagogical innovation and foster multicultural learning in and out classrooms: comprised by guidelines (strategies, tools and methods to promote inclusive and democratic learning environments inside classrooms, using more culturally-sensitive topics and innovative pedagogical approaches), manual (curriculum guide/program for celebrating diversity and upskilling multicultural competencies) and supporting resources (audio-visual materials, activities and solution scenarios, project-based learning exercises and other), this toolkit will be tested by end-users and fine-tuned to ensure optimised alignment with the stakeholders needs and expectations.


  • Training programme of the course “Strategies, tools and methods for curricular and pedagogical innovation and multicultural learning in and out classroom”: available in EN
  • Guidelines for Inclusive Classrooms to promote inclusive ad democratic learning environments inside classrooms: available in EN, GR, IT, PL and PT
  • Manual addressing a programme for celebrate diversity, foster global citizenship and strengthen multicultural competencies: available in EN, GR, IT, PL and PT
  • Teacher’s Dossier with support resources to facilitate the use of the Manual: available in EN, GR, IT, PL and PT
  • Full report on the implementation Guidelines for Inclusive Classrooms: available in EN
  • Briefing on the implementation of the Guidelines for Inclusive Classrooms: available in ENGRITPL and PT