08 Oct SOCI@LL toolkits presented in #ERASMUSDAYS!
This time, the SOCI@LL consortium led by INOVA +, traveled to Florence on 23 and 24 September for the third project meeting organized by OXFAM Italy partner!
The events following the meeting consisted of the development of two training courses for the main end-users of the project tools: teachers, school directors, and local authorities.
The 15 organizations that compose the consortium, including three associated partners, were involved throughout the process and had the opportunity to plan the testing of the SOCI@LL project’s three key features:
- Toolkit for School Leaders – a set of materials that includes guidelines for an inclusive school, as well as a step-by-step approach to organizing the SOCI@LL weeks, and a range of ideas for activities that can be implemented with and close to the school community;
- Toolkit for Teachers – a resource pack consisting of inclusive classroom guidelines, a manual (plan and content) to be used in classrooms to address citizenship-related topics, and a dossier for teachers with materials to support the implementation of the manual;
- Toolkit for Local Authorities – a step-by-step methodology that supports local authorities throughout the process of setting up, running and maintaining social laboratories, i.e. communities of local actors who work together to define challenges, engage stakeholders, prototyping solutions, testing and collecting results.
During the testing period, set between October 2019 and May 2020, the features presented will be subjected to some final adjustments, which will bring together end-users, facilitating initial contact with resources, first-hand testing of kits and collecting external feedback.
Consortium members will have shared responsibilities and tasks:
- 5 schools will lead the testing of the Toolkit for School Leaders by planning teacher workshops and organizing a SOCI@LL week involving 1,400 participants. In addition, they will also conduct the toolkit pilot-test for 650 teachers and students;
- 5 municipalities in the partnership will be responsible for testing the Toolkit for Local Authorities, implementing six sessions dedicated to addressing social laboratories and bringing together 80 local actors at all stages;
- 5 scientific partners will support the implementation of the three toolkits.
Throughout October, public events will be held in the four partner’s countries to present the toolkits. Portugal hosts the event on October 10 at the Biblioteca Municipal Florbela Espanca, Matosinhos (part of the transnational action #Erasmusdays, promoted by the European Commission).
Find more information here.