SOCI@LL’s results

Built-on a holistic approach, the SOCI@LL project proposes to the stakeholders a challenging co-creation and cooperation adventure aimed at improving the way schools and communities work together to create innovative approaches to social inclusion. To achieve this goal, the initiative will generate a creative and sustainable set of solutions, designed by, with and for the key actors.

Adventurers called upon to intervene directly in the project, as well as contributing to and appropriating their results, reflect the entire educational ecosystem including students, teachers, schools and communities.

They are the co-authors and beneficiaries of the main results of the project, namely: 1) State-of-the-art, good practices and SOCI@LL Roadmap; 2) Open partnerships and collaborative methodologies; 3) Set of tools targeting school leaders for the creation and maintenance of inclusive and cultural-sensitive systems, both inside and outside the school; 4) Toolkit for teachers to encourage and boost curricular and pedagogical innovation and reinforce multicultural learning, inside and outside the classroom; 5) Guiding documents for public authorities aiming at the creation, reinforcement and maintenance of transversal platforms for social inclusion; 6) Virtual social laboratory for intersectoral collaboration and participatory learning opportunities.