22 Dic The SOCI@LL WEEK in the Portuguese school!
From exhibitions to videos and dances! How Agrupamento de Escolas Abel Salazar – Portugal celebrated the SOCI@LL Week!
In the past months, the Portuguese school celebrated the Soci@ll Week by promoting different activities engaging the students involved in the pilot test of the Soci@ll resources. The activities took place in different moments, from May to December 2020, and were adapted to the new context of the schools.
Two Soci@ll Week Exhibitions were prepared in the school to show and disseminate the set of works prepared by the students during the activities made at their classes related to different topics, including: bullying and violence against people and human rights, women empowerment and violence in dating.
Students had also the opportunity of preparing a video and a about bullying phenomenon, two results emerging from the discussions they had in the classes and during the Soci@ll Week activities.
To close the year, some of the students also prepared Christmas’ celebrating the end of the Soci@ll Week activities.
Stay tuned and find more about these works in schools and in the local communities!