04 Aug The Toolkit journey in schools – Snapshot from Italy
The implementation of the Toolkit for School Directors, designed and developed for school leaders to create and sustain culturally balanced and inclusive systems inside and around schools, has already being implemented in some of the project partnerships’ countries.
This is the second edition of the “Snapshot from…” series, and now the consortium, namely the school leaders, are focused on the implementation of the SOCI@LL Week in schools. So, this time, let’s travel to Italy! Our second ”reporters” are teachers from Licei “Giovanni d San Giovanni” and the feedback about the SOCI@LL Week and its adaptation of the school reality couldn’t be better.
“In the Guide Lines to the SOCI@LL Week, we can read that it is possible to use and rearrange events that the school has already scheduled, giving them a more inclusive approach.
For several years our school has organised a sort of “welcoming week” at the beginning of every new academic year, a period in which senior students previously trained, called Tutors, accompany the new ones through their new environment, explaining to them how the school works, what their rights and their duties are and so on.
We think that we can use this format as the basis for our SOCI@LL Week, reshaping the activities that tutors will do with the new students, according to the four pillars, and according to the new modality in which the school will restart. There won’t be big gatherings of people, students will probably work in small groups in the classrooms or outdoor, while some things may be done online.
Associations from the area may give their contribution sending, also, posters, messages, ideas, etc.. We will make them visible. All this will bear the ‘brand’ SOCI@LL, which will appear in posters and some gadgets.
We think that our project will give warmth and color to the start of this new academic year, which is full of uncertainty.
Best wishes”
Interesting, right? Learn more about how SOCI@LL resources are impacting the whole school approach in other countries by staying tuned and wait for the next story!