15 Mar SOCI@LL’s partners’ met in Matosinhos, Portugal
On 7th and 8th of March, the SOCI@LL consortium met face-to-face for the first time. The kick-off meeting was held in Matosinhos, Portugal, and was organized by the project coordinator: INOVA+. All partner organizations attended the meeting (and associated partners were represented) and had the opportunity to share their experiences and finetuning the work plan for the upcoming months. All the eight work packages were addressed in detail during two days: 1) State-of-the-art, good practices and SOCI@LL Roadmap; 2) Establishment and maintenance of the SOCI@LL network; 3) Development, testing and finetuning of educational resources; 4) Development, testing and finetuning of guiding tools for the animation of social platforms; 5) Creation and maintenance of the virtual social laboratory; 6) Monitoring, quality control and evaluation; 7) Awareness campaign, dissemination and exploitation; 8) Project management.
In an intensive but very rich and collaborative work program, the partners worked on joint definitions for concepts such as inclusive education and systems, whole school approach, social laboratories and intercultural competencies. They also defined the objectives, activities, responsibilities and deadlines in detail until the end of the summer. Partners also had the opportunity to participate in a peer-learning workshop and discuss challenges and opportunities for cooperation between the SOCI@LL project and similar projects promoted by Portuguese organizations and supported by the ERASMUS + program (namely Strategic Partnerships supported by the Portuguese National Agency).