27 Nov SOCI@LL attended the Erasmus+ KA3 Thematic Cluster!
The SOCI@LL project, coordinated by INOVA+, joined the KA3 Thematic Cluster of the Erasmus+ organized by the EACEA and aimed at bringing together the coordinators from Policy Experimentations, Forward-Looking Cooperation Projects, Social Inclusion, and Civil Society Cooperation. ouRoute, another initiative led by INOVA+, was represented there.
The event gathered more than one hundred project coordinators from the different calls of KA3, dedicated to supporting policy reform. The programme included plenary sessions where panelists (coordinators from ongoing projects) shared their experiences. This coordinator panel was followed by parallel workshops sessions focusing on four relevant topics, such as “How can we improve European collaboration in education & training?”, “What should Erasmus+ KA3 look like in the future?”, “What pedagogical and political themes need to be addressed?”, and finally, “How can the impact on the policy be improved?”
The cluster meeting was an excellent opportunity for networking and sharing of good practices among participants. On behalf of the consortium of the SOCI@LL, INOVA+ is thankful for the opportunity to attend this meeting in Brussels.