01 Feb Whole School Social Labs starts and promises innovation in the field of inclusive education
SOCI@LL is an innovative project aimed at supporting policy reforms in the area of social inclusion through education. This initiative, supported by the Erasmus + Program of the European Commission, was selected by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and started in 2018.
Led by INOVA+, the project gathers experts in the fields of education and social inclusion, public authorities and schools from four countries, including Portugal, Italy, Cyprus and Poland. (Find more about the partnership below.)
The project methodology is deeply participatory and collaborative. Networks (composed of an expert, public authority and school) were created in each partner country (two networks exist in the case of Italy). These networks are responsible for the development of the activities at the national level and the involvement of their counterparts in the co-creation, testing and valorization of resources.
The SOCI@LL collaborative expedition is based on five stages: the creation of the foundations of the project; involvement of key actors in a community of practice; development, testing and validation of innovative educational resources; co-generation, testing and validation of innovative guiding tools; development and animation of a virtual social laboratory.
The project is based on two key concepts (social laboratories and whole-school approach) that contribute to the innovative character of the methodology, activities and results.
Learn more about the project and join us in this adventure towards social inclusion in schools and communities.
INOVA+, Câmara Municipal de Matosinhos, Agrupamento de Escolas de Matosinhos; Chipre: CARDET, Agios Athanasios Municipality, Private Grammar & Modern Schools; Polónia: Fundacja Centrum Edukacji Obywatelskiej (CEO); Zabki Town (representing also Szkola; Podstawowa Nr 3 im. Malego Powstanca w Zabkach; Itália: CESIE, Comune di Palermo, IISS Alessandro Volta, OXFAM Ialia Onlus, Unione dei Comuni Montani del Cansentino, Licie Giovanni da San Giovanni.